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Shining Home
March 23, 2016
Wuhou Temple (Memorial Temple of Marquis Wu) is dedicated to Zhuge Liang, the Marquis Wu (Wuhou) of Kingdom of Shu in the Three Kingdoms Period (220 - 280). Zhuge Liang was the personification of noble character and intelligence. Memorial architectures erected in many places after his death include a famous one in Chendu. Located in the south suburb of Chengdu, the temple covers 37,000 square meters (398,277 square feet). The date of its establishment is unclear, only that it was built next to the temple of Liu Bei, the emperor of Shu. It was combined with the Temple of Liu Bei at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty; consequently, the entrance plaque reads 'Zhaolie Temple of Han Dynasty' (Zhaolie is the posthumous title of Liu Bei). The current temple was rebuilt in 1672. Surrounded by old cypresses and classical red walls, it evokes nostalgia.
Wuhou Temple (Memorial Temple of Marquis Wu) is dedicated to Zhuge Liang, the Marquis Wu (Wuhou) of Kingdom of Shu in the Three Kingdoms Period (220 - 280). Zhuge Liang was the personification of noble character and intelligence. Memorial architectures erected in many places after his death include…
November 11, 2018
October 18, 2018
December 29, 2018
中国唯一的君臣合祀祠庙,由刘备、诸葛亮蜀汉君臣合祀祠宇及惠陵组成, 据《三国志》的记载,刘备于公元223年病故白帝城之后,灵柩运回成都,下葬于此,史称惠陵。而按照汉制,有陵必有庙,所以在同时期,就有了汉昭烈庙诞生。大约在南北朝时期,成都武侯祠与惠陵、汉昭烈庙合并一处。
November 13, 2018
成都武侯祠博物馆位于成都市武侯区武侯祠大街231号,全馆占地37000平方米,建筑面积9200平方米,是国家AAAA级旅游景区。 成都武侯祠是西晋末年为纪念诸葛亮而建;初与蜀国先主刘备的昭烈庙相邻;明初,武侯祠并于昭烈庙,故大门横额书"汉昭烈庙";后来祭祀诸葛亮的武侯祠并入汉昭烈庙;1961年,博物馆被国务院评为全国第一批重点文物保护单位;1984年,成立成都武侯祠博物馆;2008年,博物馆被评为国家一级博物馆。 它是中国唯一座君臣合祀祠庙和最负盛名的诸葛亮、刘备及蜀汉英雄纪念地,也是全世界影响最大的三国遗迹博物馆。享有"三国圣地"之美誉。
Gaosheng Bridge